Future Improvement

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LLOP Boathouse view 2 3d (2)

Future Improvement

The Master Plan for Lake Lanier Olympic park was approved by the US Army Corp of Engineers in 2018.  Once the master plan was officially complete, The Lake Lanier Olympic park Foundation engaged in a community survey of our stakeholders, visitors, and club members to determine a priority list for completing these much needed and sought-after improvements.  Below are the details of our plan to complete these projects.

Projects in Progress

Supported by Lake Lanier Olympic Park Foundations fundraising efforts.   

The Lake Lanier Olympic Park Foundation kicked off a Capital Fundraising Campaign in August 2021 with a night of Olympic Celebration – Celebrating 25 Years of the Olympic Spirit.


Improved and expanded walking trails, landscaping and beautification throughout the park.  The walking trails will feature public art, park benches and exercise stations, with the goal of achieving connectivity between the Plaza and Park sides.